Art Artist Artwork
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1000 portraits — Friendship of the People

This collection of a 1001 portraits portrays the multi-ethnic people of Uzbekistan.

The old town

This is a collection of a variety of doors of the cities of Bukhara, Samarkand and Tashkent.


This is a collection of different scenes and views on Uzbekistan's number 1 agricultural product: Cotton.

Abstract Figurative paintings

This collection was created to celebrate Ronald's 20th anniversary in Uzbekistan. The paintings depict different Central Asian memories and impressions.

Aral Sea

Aral Sea: This series was created between 1997 and 1999. Ronald traveled numerous times to the Aral sea region to depict this man-made ecological disaster.


This collection depicts a variety of Soviet apartment buildings.

Still scape

Still scape: This series depict a combination between still lifes and landscapes inspired by Central Asian memories and motives.

Back to the USSR

This collection honors different Soviet means of transport.

1000 portraits — Friendship of the People

The old town


Abstract Figurative paintings

Aral Sea


Still scape

Back to the USSR